Module 4: Meeting the Needs of Students with Innovative, Inclusive, and Engaging Practices

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Module 4: Meeting the Needs of Students with Innovative, Inclusive and Engaging Practices 


This module is designed to equip Apprenticeship Ambassadors and Registered Apprenticeship programs with the tools they need to meet the diverse needs of students. By the end of this module, participants will understand how to create learning environments that foster innovation, inclusivity, and engagement, ensuring student success in apprenticeship programs.


In this module you will:

  • Explore innovative practices to enhance apprenticeship learning.
  • Implement inclusive practices to support all apprentices.
  • Develop engaging practices to motivate and inspire apprentices.
professional female writes in notebook while looking at computer screen


Lesson 1: Innovative Practices

1: Watch Video Overview

2: Complete Activities

Screenshot of Module 4, Lesson 1 handout "Integrating Technology in the Classroom for Apprentices"
Screenshot of Module 4, Lesson 1 handout "Sample Project-Based Learning Lesson Plan"
Screenshot of Module 4, Lesson 1 handout "Collaborative Planning Agenda Sample"

This sample collaborative planning agenda provides a structured approach to developing an integrated curriculum for nursing apprentices, ensuring alignment and practical application of math and science concepts in nursing contexts. Consider how you might utilize this collaborative agenda template in your workplace.

The document can be opened and completed in your internet browser, Adobe PDF, or printed.

   Download Collaborative Planning Agenda PDF

Lesson 2: Inclusive Practices (Equity and Access)

1: Watch Video Overview


2: Complete Activities

Screenshot of Module 4, Lesson 2 handout "Checklist for Differentiated Instruction"

Use this checklist to help you effectively implement differentiated instruction in the classroom, ensuring all students have the opportunity to succeed.

The document can be opened and completed in your internet browser, Adobe PDF, or printed.

   Download Differentiated Instruction PDF

Screenshot of Module 4, Lesson 2 handout "Culturally Responsive Practices"

Use this worksheet to help you plan your approach to recognize and honor the cultural backgrounds of students, integrating their experiences and perspectives into the learning process.

The document can be opened and completed in your internet browser, Adobe PDF, or printed.

   Download Culturally Responsive Practices PDF

Screenshot of Module 4, Lesson 2 handout "Introduction to Universal Design for Learning (UDL) for Apprenticeship Ambassadors"

Learn more about Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and how to implement it in your learning environment.

The document can be opened and completed in your internet browser, Adobe PDF, or printed.

   Download Universal Design for Learning PDF

Lesson 3: Engaging Practices

1: Watch Video Overview


2: Complete Activities

Screenshot of Module 4, Lesson 3 handout "Real-World Problem & Solution Student Presentation Assignment"
Screenshot of Module 4, Lesson 3 handout "Real-World Problem & Solution Student Rubric"

Use this rubric alongside the Sample Lesson Plan, ‘Real World Problem & Solution Student Assignment,’ to determine a score. 

The document can be opened and completed in your internet browser, Adobe PDF, or printed.

   Download Assignment Rubric PDF